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Take my hand, 2014

January 19, 2014

At the start of every new year, I publish a post highlighting key events of my 365 days past. I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions, but instead prefer to wrap up each year by reflecting on those people and events for which I am grateful.

I usually find my New Year’s posts easy to write. Most Decembers, I open my laptop and list my annual bulleted highlights with thoughts like, “Wow, I did a lot of cool things this year!”

This past December, my highlights prompted thoughts more along the lines of, “Wow, this year really sucked.”

By the time January 3rd came around, my bad luck streak continued, and I already began to look at 2014 in the same way I observe moldy cheese – with frustration and disgust, but just enough hope in tasting the delicious flavor to contemplate risking a bite anyway.

It didn’t take long before I took the cheese to my friend Rachel. “Could it be true,” I asked, “that having a terrible New Year’s Day comes with the same good luck tale as rain on a wedding day?”

Rachel was already a few steps ahead of me. “I’ve decided 2014 starts on January 6th this year,” she replied matter of factly.

And, so it did.

I do not plan to overwhelm this New Year’s post with a list of highlights, or lowlights, about my story of 2013. Instead, I want to highlight our ability as human beings to stop and start again…no matter what the date.

After all, shouldn’t these be our true New Year’s celebrations?

Now on the brink of February, just three weeks into MY new year, I am already off to a fresh start. I live in a new city with a new job, a new apartment with new furniture, and a whole new year to look forward to.

And, of course, things are never all bad. My 2013 Christmas was the first in three years that I spent with my entire immediate family. I adopted a dog, saw Billy Joel rock Jazz Fest in New Orleans, got a tattoo, moved to New York City and felt what it’s like to truly love waking up for work each morning.

These are the cherished pieces of 2013 that I will take with me as I continue my on my path forward.

Last month, I spotted four ladybugs trotting around my house in the dead of an Upstate New York winter. According to my theory about ladybugs, the rare sighting was a sign that I’m taking the right road.

The year 2013 may have kicked my ass, but it tested my capabilities and proved my resiliency. So, take my hand, 2014. I have a feeling you and I are going to be very happy together.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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