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In 28 years…

April 24, 2012

I remember endlessly discussing the controversial age of 26. A somewhat ambiguous age, it always seemed to spark debate over whether it fell amidst the dreaded late twenties, or laid calmly in the midtwenties safety zone.

I settled on calling the debatable age an “upswing” to 30.

Now, only one week away from 28, there is no denying it. I have officially entered my late twenties. Life is still undetermined for me here, but I’m riding out my journey with a smile on.

In 28 years, I have learned…

  • The world is small.
  • Excuses and reasons are two different things, and now I can more easily distinguish one from the other.
  • My siblings and I are more alike than I realized.
  • Life usually does not need to be as serious as we make it.
  • I’m smarter than I give myself credit for.
  • People are generally good.
  • As hard as I try, I will never be perfect…and that would make life boring anyway.
  • I feel better when I exercise.
  • Politics can be unattractive and confusing, but the issues are important.
  • I can only give one person so much before needing to keep the rest for me.
  • I’ve gained more from spirituality than religion.
  • No one fancies a complainer.
  • Forgiveness is a process, but holding grudges is generally a waste of time.
  • The quest for inner peace is undervalued in Western culture, but shouldn’t be.
  • The combination of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream with a glass of wine improves most bad days. Nom nom.
  • Racism still exists in 2012.
  • Most people are stronger than they realize.
  • Everyone needs a support system.
  • I like technology more than I hate it.
  • Change is a large part of life.
  • I believe in Eastern medicine more than Western.
  • Mistakes are not failures.
  • Social awareness does not come naturally to all people.
  • Listening is typically more valuable than speaking.
  • We can change someone’s day just by inquiring about it.
  • It’s all relative.

In 28 years, I’ve seen…

  • 4 continents, 6 countries, 38 American states and 300+ cities.
  • 16 houses and apartments that I’ve called “home”.
  • Good and bad, but mostly good.
  • My glass half full.

Now that I’m 28, I…

  • Need more “me” time.
  • Am glad I chose a young adult life of travel and inconsistencies to riches and stability.
  • Realize I have seen more of the world than many will in their lifetime.
  • Recognize my fortunes.
  • Am less afraid to speak my mind.
  • Care less about missing nights out.
  • Am gradually seeing my next phase of life creep around the bend.
  • Realize how close I am to 30.
  • Appreciate my friends.
  • Recognize change in me from year to year.
  • Fear regret more and rejection less.
  • Can still down a beer like a champ, but also long for weekend nights when I can sit on my couch with Chelsea Lately and a pair of sweatpants.

In the next 28 years, I hope to…

  • Carry out more of my Bucket List.
  • Be alive.

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” -Satchel Paige

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