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New York state of mind

October 24, 2013

Well, it’s that time of life again. Time for another cross-country move.

It’s been two years since I swapped the Windy City for this Crescent City. Though I left Chicago in 2011 with my heels dragging in the dirt, I made a good decision to come to New Orleans. I have loved a lot about this city.

There comes a time, though, in every fast-paced, Northern-born life, when living among constant inefficiencies and people who only occasionally consider future planning leaves you thinking, it’s time to go.

So, in one month, my sister, Julie, and I will load two cars and a Penske truck full of our life essentials – clothes, shoes, a few pieces of furniture, and our pets – and drive North toward our new venture: The Big Apple.

I had two priorities in mind while considering my next move:

  1. I wanted to live in a big city
  2. The city had to be North

After considering my latest life priorities and weighing options between Washington, D.C. and my other true love, Chicago, I settled on New York City. And, lucky for me, Julie decided to hop on board to continue our domestic partnership into the Northeastern U.S.

I have formed countless unexpected friendships in New Orleans. And, the friendship that grew between my sister and me has been no exception. I am four years Julie’s senior and before she joined me here in NOLA, we had not lived in the same city in more than 10 years. What we found in New Orleans is that not only are we sisters, but also great friends. We have come to understand each other’s every move, happy triggers and annoyances. At home, Julie mans the kitchen. I man the utility bills (while eating what she makes in the kitchen). Julie hates driving in the rain. I hate doing laundry.

We both love blasting music through any available stereo and singing at the tops of our lungs.

These next few weeks, we will wrap up work, enjoy the temperature having finally dropped below 90 degrees, and start prepping our pets for our upcoming 25-hour road trip. Most importantly, we will inhale our last few breaths (for now) of NOLA air while strolling under the live oaks and admiring the oversized porches that trim this historic city’s charm. We will tap our feet to a few more nights of live jazz and toast Abita Ambers to good friends.

And, in one month, we will say “See you soon, New Orleans.” May you keep your potholes filled and your energy sparkling.

It’s almost time. Bring it on, Big Apple. We’re ready. We’re in that New York State of Mind.

Photo by Emiliano Bar on Unsplash

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