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A bird

October 3, 2016

My journey began with a bird.

Actually, no… it began with me passing two raccoons eating cat food on a sidewalk in Harlem, and then a bird.

On the day I left New York City (for the foreseeable future), I ran with my luggage from the rainy Midtown streets to seek shelter under a parking garage overhang. As I waited for my bus to Newark Liberty International Airport, I looked down to my feet and saw a bird. It was a small, gray bird and it stood alone and unmoved along the parking garage entrance.

People hurried past the bird, many not even noticing its simple existence. It appeared uninjured. Yet, with exception to occasionally turning its head, the frail creature remained still, making no attempt to fly away.

I watched the bird for some time (I had time to spare, after all, as the bus was over an hour late). I wondered: Was it scared? Could it fly? What could I do to make sure a car didn’t come charging through and kill this bird’s seemingly confused world?

My bus finally came and I rushed to my seat in a panic. It was now Friday rush hour in NYC, and the previous day’s Hoboken train crash had left the city transit (trains and vehicles alike) in disarray. I had exactly 2.5 hours and 17 miles to catch my flight. But, within the first 20 minutes of bus travel we had gone exactly four city blocks.

One hour prior to my departure time, I called the airline. We had made it only to the Lincoln Tunnel (less than two miles from our starting point) and the thought of being airborne anytime that evening became hopeless. I asked the customer service agent my options – no more outgoing flights for two more days. I pressed on.

The bus pulled into the airport at 7:00PM. I pushed my way so quickly to the front that I don’t remember actually exiting. Somehow I made it to the check-in line. I ran up to the ticketing agent and pleaded for her to let me through for the 7:20 flight. Even if I made it, she said, she wasn’t sure my bag would.

I didn’t care. I took off to security and beyond so fast that I nearly plowed over several children en route. I made it in the end. Panting. Out of breath. Boots unzipped and a messy bun falling off my head. It had taken me four hours to travel from Upper Manhattan to Newark. A smooth trip would have been an hour and a half.

I boarded the plane with minutes to spare, sunk quickly into my seat and read a text message from my friend, Rachel: “this is just another example of how this journey will go.”

Before I boarded the bus, two parking garage attendants came out to look at the bird. I watched as one opened a brown paper bag, preparing to put the bird inside. “What are you going to do with it?” I asked. I couldn’t begin my new journey with the death of a bird. The man replied, “No ma’am, we will not hurt him,” He said.

“We will heal him and help him remember how to fly.”

The man explained that many birds come through NYC’s Midtown skyscrapers and lose their way. They almost go into shock, he said, and forget their bearings. “And then when it rains…” He threw his hands up in a “forget about it” gesture, alluding to how the rain enhances a bird’s confusion.

The man explained that placing the bird in a warm, dark, secure space for a couple hours would force the creature to rejuvenate itself. I looked it up, and sure enough, it’s a thing. According to Wild Bird Watching, when a stunned bird is removed from all stimuli there’s a greater chance it will heal from a potentially fatal concussion.

It looked strange – inhumane even. But, also beautiful. Plus, the man seemed quite proud of how many birds he’d saved this way.

My journey started with two crazy raccoons. They symbolize the random events in my life. And, also a bird. As I sat on the plane out west – the plane I was sure would fly away without me – I thought of the bird, confused, trapped, temporarily paralyzed from its internal and external chaos.

And then, by slowing down and becoming present in that unfamiliar bag, it taught itself again what it already knew. The peace and stillness helped it reboot. I like to believe we both flew together that night after losing hope that we’d make it to the sky.

I can’t wait to see what I rediscover about myself as I fly through the beginning of my journey with the spirit of my new friend by my side.

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  • Reply Gwen October 3, 2016 at 11:35 am

    This is beautiful. Keep writing, healing and flying. Cheers to the journey.


  • Reply Kathleen October 3, 2016 at 12:19 pm

    “We will heal him and help him remember how to fly” – powerful!

  • Reply Rachel October 3, 2016 at 2:44 pm

    As you embark on this journey and rediscover yourself, you’ll have many supporters along the way available to heal you and help you remember how to fly, little Sara bird.

  • Reply Tara Dimillo October 3, 2016 at 3:08 pm

    Beautiful Sara…good luck on your journey!!

  • Reply Sharon Royce October 3, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    Sara beautiful as always. You and the post. Best of luck on your newest journey.

  • Reply Sean Dwyer October 3, 2016 at 3:39 pm

    great read. you must have went to a great college or something.

  • Reply Auntie Flo October 3, 2016 at 4:00 pm

    Beautifully written, Sara.

  • Reply Diane Maurer October 3, 2016 at 4:20 pm

    An unexpected harbinger of hope, that little bird. Amidst the Manhattan chaos, you noticed and reflected. A chance meeting? I think not.

  • Reply BG Petrie October 3, 2016 at 4:48 pm

    Beautiful! Good Luck and Best Wishes! Great City!

  • Reply Kate Zenyuh Nespoli October 3, 2016 at 5:35 pm

    That quote…I mean, it’s so perfect Sara <3

  • Reply Gail Niederhauser Hamilton October 3, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Czop, she writes as beautifully as you do.

  • Reply Kathy J October 3, 2016 at 6:21 pm

    Still beautiful Sara! Both you and your ability to express yourself! You have been “the wind beneath my wings” to more people than you realize. Hugs Sara!

  • Reply Agnes Maurer Niessing October 3, 2016 at 8:01 pm

    Beautiful! Enjoy learning to fly again, Sara. <3

  • Reply Julie Solpietro Forget October 4, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    Wow. Beautiful. Thank you Sara.

  • Reply John Parker October 14, 2016 at 3:57 am

    Nice Sara! best of luck in your journey and your post is good.

  • Reply Tim White November 17, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    Hi Sara, I like the redesign of your new site and your recent article. All good stuff. As I was perusing the content on the Bucket List I came across #46. Considering all of the work you have done in the places that you have done it, especially in New Orleans, I think that you can cross that one off of your list. I hope you are well.

    • Reply saraliveswell November 17, 2016 at 4:01 pm

      🙂 🙂 You’re the best! Funny, I looked over the Bucket List a few weeks ago and debated crossing that off. I’m going to now that you gave me permission! I always love and appreciate your feedback. NOLA reunion soon? I hope you’re doing wonderful❤

      • Reply Tim White November 17, 2016 at 5:17 pm

        I am doing well. I am back in the old ROC. Where are you at these days?

        • Reply saraliveswell November 17, 2016 at 5:44 pm

          I just got back to Roc too for a bit! Let’s text. We should reunite.

  • Reply Bryan O'Malley November 17, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    The infamous bird concussion , travel safe , good read

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