Blog My homes Twenties

Are you kidding me, bus?

June 17, 2010

In the past week, on two separate occasions, two near-empty busses failed to stop and pick me up at my bus stop. The drivers did not slow down, pull over, or even attempt to entice me whatsoever by swerving slightly toward my side of the curb.

After replaying the first drive-by in my head and even re-enacting it for a few friends, I figured, despite my insistence that there is no way the driver could have overlooked me waiting on the sidewalk, it must have been a fluke.

I thought this until yesterday, my first day back at this particular bus stop since my leave-behind last week. This time, I went so far as to inch toward the curb and visibly search for my bus pass to avoid any doubt from the driver that I was preparing to board. And this time, the driver went so far as so throw her hands up at me in anger when she realized about a half a second too late that I wanted to hitch a ride. She drove on without me.

The next bus line (the “busy” bus line, heading in a completely different direction) to run through that stop approached just minutes later and, without a second of hesitation, pulled up to the curb, opened its doors and waited to see if anyone wanted to board. Not a single person got off the bus, and not a single person hailed it.

Perhaps this is a sign that I need to live in a new part of town – maybe the “busy bus” part of town where people don’t need to hail busses to get home.

Photo by Jonathan J. Castellon on Unsplash

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